JCB Emblem + Brand Message: Regulations for Display in Relation to Background Color and Prohibited Display Applications

Relationship of Display Color to Background Color Brightness

Some benchmarks for display variations depending on the brightness of the background color are shown below. Although the backgrounds are displayed in single color here, you should apply these criteria appropriately when employing complex backgrounds, such as multiple colors or photos.



Single color


Prohibited Display Applications

Use of the JCB Emblem and Brand Message in combination in ways other than those specified by the regulations will damage the brand image and value.
Some clearly incorrect applications are shown below. Always use the combination form properly and with due care.

Prohibited Examples

Do not display in a non-regulation typeface.

Do not display in a non-regulation typeface.

Do not alter the spacing between letters.

Do not alter the spacing between letters.

Do not alter the positioning.

Do not alter the positioning.

Do not combine lettering of different sizes.

Do not combine lettering of different sizes.

Do not modify the shapes of the letters (vertical or horizontal compression, italics, etc.).

Do not modify the shapes of the letters (vertical or horizontal compression, italics, etc.).

Do not add extraneous elements.

Do not add extraneous elements.

Do not divide and display to right and left.

Do not divide and display to right and left.

Do not display with impaired discrimination.

Do not display with impaired discrimination.

Do not alter the color of the Message

Do not alter the color of the Message.

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